9 Ideas to decorate your dining room!

Create a dining space with style and comfort can be easy if you put your mind to it but even easier if you follow a few simple steps to add in more chicness to your home!


Of course a dinning room table would be nothing without a table to gather round and eat together. There are many different styles to choose from but opt for a rectangle, square or circle to keep things easy




Now we've got the table ready, lets continue with a table runner to really bring out the beauty of the table. There are many choices when it comes to runners but opt for one that doesn't take away too much focus  of the table


Center Pieces


Every table needs something to decorate it with, it doesn't have to be a luxurious flower arrangement. A simple fruit bowl or some candles will do



Most dining room tables come with chairs already, but if not you can choose your own and add more style and decor to your dining room. If your table already has chairs then you can either swap out the chairs with another table set or keep the chairs as is and decorate with seat pillows.




Adding on to the previous tip we've given. If you happen to have a few dining table chairs that are worn, rickety or are just not appealing. Try adding a bench along one end in the form of a long bench or a step up as a along the wall bench. This can also save you space in your home as the benches don't move in and out much.

Functional Island


For those who are tight on space or have a large kitchen adding a table to the kitchen island/counter could be another way to add in some functional decor to your home and dining space

Classic Colors


Dining rooms aren't meant to be bold and daring. Dining rooms are meant for eating at a table surrounded by loved ones, you don't want to take away those moments by putting too many distractions around. Opt for plain classic colors on the walls and chairs, the table runners and the curtains. Colors like blue or gray.



Often overlook but curtains are a game changer, dining spaces and dining rooms need to be bright not only for those food shots but to create an uplifting and bright ambiance. Opt for light drapes to emphasize on natural lighting or choose curtains to match the color of the chairs or table runner to really bring the room together

Statement Lighting


Adding on from natural lighting, when redecorating a dining room, lighting is everything. You want it to be bright enough to see your food and the people around you, but you don't want to use too much white lighting to where you feel hot and uncomfortable. Choose lighting that makes a statement to add to decor, but is also bright enough to light up the room and create a warm cozy feeling.

And that's it for this post, take everything with a grain of salt. Remember choosing what you are interested in that fits your budget is whats most important. Some tips may not be useful but we sure do hope there was one tip or two that may come in handy!