Laying out your lobby

In a lot of cases, an office lobby and the entrance is the same area. Specifically though, just to clarify for this case; the lobby is the first part of the office upon entering, before the reception and the office work spaces of the office. It is used as a meeting area for guests or for guests to sit whilst waiting for permission to enter the office premises.

We recommend to start by having a clear path from the entrance to the reception area

Followed by  separating the left and right side into two different sitting area

The two seating areas in your lobby. Separated by the space to walk to the reception area. It will be either the left or right side.

Area 1: Comfortable seating, refreshments and easy entertainment.


This area should have sofa chairs that are suitable for sitting for long periods of time, a coffee table for guests to put their drinks on and of course a refreshment station for guests to get their drinks. As for entertainment, usually this is in the form of newspapers, magazines or a TV in the corner on a set channel.


4 Comfortable seating


Area 2: Chairs and Tables


This area is more suitable for those coming and need a surface to showcase or to put a laptop, books or items on top of. Round coffee tables or benches work fine. The other necessity is chairs of course!  or some sort of back support.  Try to aim to keep this area spacious with the tables spaced out in order to create some privacy for people sitting and talking and also in the case of people standing around together


Hoping this helps give you an idea or two to the lobby area!

Till next time,
