Natural grown textiles

Grown in warmer parts of the world like Brazil and Pakistan, cotton is also widely grown in the states.  States like Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico are all major cotton-producing states.

Once it's all harvested there are many uses for cotton. Mostly for clothing cotton has various advantages some of them being

  • Moisture control
  • Good insulation
  • Providing comfort to the skin
  • Being hypoallergenic
  • Weatherproof
  • High durability

Jute is one of the most environment friendly fabrics out there.  It's made from the jute plant, a tall reed and is often associated with Bangladesh.

Advantages to using Jute include, but of course are not limited to

  •  Antistatic,
  • Cheap,
  • Biodegradable
  • Easily blended with other fibers.

It's especially good for soft furnishings and can lend a natural look to items such as placemats and table runners! No liquids going to run through a jute table runner.

Hemp, though can be used more for entertainment, also holds industrial purposes. The leaves for one purpose and the stalks for another. Hemp fiber is one of the most durable and robust natural fibers

Benefits of hemp fiber are that:

  • Super fast growing
  • Weather resistant and can be grown almost anywhere
  • Mold and insect resistant. Pesticides are not required to grown hemp plants.
  • Hemp has deep roots thus do not require heavy irrigation.
  • Hemp textiles are able to block more UV rays than other textiles.

Flax can be believed to have only benefits in your morning smoothies with the flax seed but the crop also can be manufactured into a textile. Through the method of dew-retting and/or enzyme-retting.

Benefits of manufacturing flax linen include:

  • High yield in crop to textile ratio. Not a lot crop is needed to produce the textile
  • Highly adaptable textile. Can be worn both in warm climate and cold climate
  • Line is  long-lasting and softens as it ages.
  • Can be made completely naturally, no specific chemical processes are needed to produce the textile

Bananas are eaten everywhere, every day and every minute but the tree isn't even touched most of the time. Did you know though that the banana tree is used for certain traditional occasions in South East Asia?  But when dried banana trees can also be woven in a sturdy textile, known as musa fiber.

Here's a few benefits of the banana tree when used in reference to textiles.

  • Extremely fast growing tree, most banana trees grow and mature within a year
  • Banana trees naturally shed bark which can be used without cutting down the tree
  • Banana tree bark is light yet sturdy and durable.