What are water chest nuts?
Don't be fooled by the name, water chestnuts actually are in no way shape or form have anything related to the nut family.
Water chestnuts are actually in fact a vegetable/root that grows underwater in marsh like environments, similar to the rice plant. Though unlike the rice plant the part that is called the water chestnut that is eaten grows underground.
Water chest nuts are very versatile and can either be eaten raw, slightly boiled, or grilled, and often are pickled. Recently, due to the low calorie count that water chestnuts possess, the process of drying and grounding to make the water chest nuts into powder has been made popular in southeast asia.
Water chestnut powder can also be used in various ways, to bread food before frying to create a crispy outer layer or pressed into chip like shapes to create a delicious snack!
A water chest nut, alone after being peels has a slightly sweet though mostly bland flavor with rich crunchy texture. |
The part that is eaten grows underwater Water chestnuts are native to Southeast Asia, Southern China, Taiwan, Australia, Africa and many islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans. They are harvested when the corm, or bulb, turns a dark brown color. They have a crisp, white flesh that can be enjoyed raw or cooked and are a common addition to Asian dishes such as stir-fries, chop suey, curries and salads. |