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Going through the motions, our earth is rapidly dying around us. Though we can't stop ourselves from consuming but we can choose what and how we consume material products around us.  A top priority at our company is to be responsible producers and to contribute to being sustainable in the environment.  Which is the main reason we choose Mango Wood ABOUT MANGO WOOD Southeast Asia is home for mango trees,  the mango wood used in our products is sourced from the Northern Region on Thailand. In Mango fruit farming, the trees are being constantly pruned and thinned to keep trees...

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  Having a set in stone routine that employees; even yourself if you are the one who is on the receiving end when items come into the warehouse or holding area, is vital to having a successful warehouse and to also save expenses that will soon build up if care is not given to the following four areas. We'll also explain why each part is crucial.   Shipment Identification This is when a shipment or delivery is made to the warehouse. The first step is to identify the w's who, what, when, where (from) Then to go through a mental...

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A lot of readers may be familiar with the term QC but may not be aware of what it actually stands for. QC and QA are often grouped together as one but do have specific differences "Quality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. " Source "QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development meets specified requirements" Source Within...

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A company's employees are essentially the backbone to the labor. Companies may often overlook the importance of rest but we're here today to tell you thats a definite "no can do" Most people are easily pleased if you simply put some thought into the basic needs and just meet them.  We don't have to go overboard and have on the clock massages like in the movie "The Intern" though that would be amazing wouldn't it? We've sone the dirty work and here are the top 5 things you can't miss having in an employee break room! 1. A lounge area...

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Offices  though mainly are occupied by employees, do occasionally or may often have guests.  If you have the type of office that is cramped with only work spaces, or have a set area but find it needs a little sprucing up. We're here to help and suggest a few ways on how to fix it. First designate and separate an area off for guests to sit and chat. Make sure that the area is clearly visible to create a good atmosphere for guests making them feel welcome and part of one. This is extremely important. In making guests feel welcome...

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